Grantees, 2018-2019

Conservation of Natural Resources

Cal Wood For the Latino family camp program $25,000
Heirs to Our Oceans For general support $10,000
Sustainable Marin For general support $10,000
University of Washington For the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team program $25,000
Young Women Empowered For the Natures Connection program $25,000

K-12 Education and Other Grants

A.P. Giannini Middle School PTA For teacher and student advisory forums $25,000
Bellevue Schools Foundation For the maker space program $10,000
Burke Museum of Natural History For school education programs $25,000
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center For the science education partnership elephant program $25,000
Friends of Casterlin Elementary School For the salary of a teacher $10,000
Friends of KEXP For the DJ/sound engineering high school program $25,000
Girls STEAM Institute For the online learning center project $15,000
Institute for Systems Biology For the Steam Towards a Healthier World program $25,000
Northwest Association for Biomedical Research For the Camp Biomed program and research ambassadors $25,000
Resource Centrals For the Renew Our Schools program $25,000